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Judicial and Legal Document Translation

Judicial and legal transactions, which constitute one of the most important pillars of corporate services, can be requested in activities in many countries. Laws of different countries, commercial legal and justice system, legislative texts, court decisions, case files, high court decisions, administrative court decisions, notarial documents, patent transactions, contracts, regulations, legal publications, ISO documents, commercial law, maritime law, public cases, wide range of legal and judicial processes such as exemplary judicial decisions, etc. are translation process that must be carried out by highly professional translators who are experts in their fields and have a high level of legal knowledge. If these processes are not carried out by experts who have correct, proper and competent terminology knowledge, it seems inevitable that the works will be interrupted and even many problems will be encountered.

As Alle Translation Office, we work with translators who have gained experience in legal and forensic translation, who are experts in their fields, who are proficient in terminology and language, and our team is competent in this regard. Choose Alle Translation Office for all kinds of judicial and legal translation work and benefit from it.

Legal Translation, also known as judicial translation, is a type of translation service that requires professionalism, with experienced and certified translators. Texts such as laws, legislative texts, criminal, civil, administrative court decisions, divorce orders, evidence documents and case files are included.

International Translator Federation

Translation and Interpreting Association Turkey

Turkish Sworn Translators Federation

Turkish Translators Association

Working with translators who are familiar with judicial and legal procedures and terminology keeps you safer in order to keep our business running in all areas of life and to follow the legal processes you are involved in. Judicial and legal translation means the translation of documents and processes regarding all works and transactions in this field. When penalties, property cases, transfer of title deeds, divorce cases, marriage certificates, legal texts, legal agreements, law lessons, legal guides are translated correctly and in accordance with the terminology in this field, it will be possible for your transactions to be carried out without interruption.

As Alle Translation Office, we provide all kinds of translation support with competent and expert translators in the translation of judicial and legal texts and processes.